Hancock Rotary Club
Near the Wedding of the Waters in the Catskill Hills 

Volume 1 | Issue 1

Welcome to another issue of our weekly bulletin! Find out who our upcoming speakers are, what we covered during the last weekly meeting, and learn more about our Member of the Week.
Test bulletin for you!
Rotary Hancock Meeting April 18, 2024
Circle E Diner
 Members in attendance: Lori Rae Silvers,  Mike O’Brien, Lenny Sienko,  Susan Bick,  Pat O’Brien,  Cathy VanMater, Jill Keller, Yolande Zahler, and Richard Lowe
  • Mariah Gillow was our special guest. She provided an update on the Wreaths Across America chapter in Hancock and their plans for fund raising for year 3 in local cemeteries.
  • Richard Lowe provided an update on happenings for the summer programs for the town square as well as Chamber of Commerce purse bingo coming soon.
  • Discussion on Rotary Breakfast fundraiser on May 5, 2024.  
    • Jill will be organizing the event. Cathy will be putting together the Place mats.  Each square is $20 and give art work to Cathy, preferably in digital form if possible
    • Members have been very active in selling placemat advertisements and Mike challenged us to sell 100 adverts.
  • Reminder Rotary Breakfast to support the Boy Scouts to be held at the Hancock Airport on May 12th. Mike will be organizing the breakfast. Volunteers are needed.
Fine bank raised $20
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Last week's speaker
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Member of the Week
This is a small description for the Person of the Week. Let's put the spotlight on one of our exceptional members!
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