Mário César Martins de Camargo calls on members to Unite for Good

The RI president-elect speaks about the power of Rotary’s members

Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding freeze

Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding

Korea-Japan friendship conference sparks dialogue

Rotary leaders from both countries reflect on the challenges and opportunities of peacebuilding across borders

A pioneer in Black horror fiction resurrects her uncle's history

Former Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar Tananarive Due, a pioneer in Black horror fiction, resurrects history of her forgotten uncle

The election observers

An election monitoring mission in Nigeria presents a pathway for peacebuilding

Club Information
Near the Wedding of the Waters, In the Catskill Hills.
Hancock Rotary

Rotary Cares for this Community

We meet In Person
Thursdays at 12:10 p.m.
Circle E Diner
369 East Front St
Hancock, NY 13783
United States of America
Everyone welcome.

Home Page Stories


75th Aninversay

The Rotary Club of Hancock NY celebrated it's Diamond Anniversary this month after 75 years of service to Hancock and charities abroad and beyond. Happy Anniversary Rotary! Photo by: Sherry Pagan


The Hancock Rotary Club honored the memory of Justin R Whiting by presenting  a flag to his parents on January 16th at their weekly luncheon. Staff Sgt. Justin R. Whiting was killed in action on Jan.19th 2008 in Iraq. A flag was raised on Memorial Day of 2009 by his parents Cindy and Randy Whiting.  It sits along the rolling hills of  NYS Route 97 overlooking their farm.  "We constantly get comments of what a beautiful and inspiring sight it is.  After Justin’s death there was little that could ease our sorrow.  Since I raised this flag the sight of it always makes us feel better."

Rotary President Ernest Schenk presents flag to Cindy and Randy Whiting.
Photo & Story by: Sherry Pagan
Fallen Soldier Flag

Christmas  Party The Hancock Rotary Christmas Party was held at The Inn at Starlight Lake. The Rotary had 
a wonderful Italian Style dinner where dishes were passed and everyone got to sample everything. The evening was highlighted by all singing Holiday songs. 
PHOTO BY: Sherry Pagan Schenk 


Bob Sceles Memorial A touching Memorial Service was held for former Hancock Rotary President Bob Sceles at the Methodist Church in  Hancock on October 27th 2013. Bob Sceles passed away on July 26th, 2013 suddenly at his summer home in Nova  Scotia. The service was attended by family and friends followed by a wonderful dinner shared by all. PHOTO BY  SHERRY PAGAN SCHENK. 



Ernest Schenk as Civil War  Hancock Rotary President Ernest Schenk took part dressed in a civil war uniform to unveil the new Civil War Hero statue at The Hancock Square Dedication Ceremony.  Ernest Schenk (far right) October 5, 2013


Rotary plaque in Hancock SquareThe Hancock Rotary has it's plaque at the new Hancock Square as a thank you for their contribution!  Lovely roses surround the plaque to florish for years to come. 


The Hancock Rotary had their weekly meeting this week in school! They met at The Rock Valley One Room Schoolhouse. The Rotary members brought their lunch in the spirit of  going back to school, in old time school containers. What fun! 

Rotary Goes to School


Rotary goes to SchoolThe Hancock Rotary held  their August 22nd 2013 meeting at the Rock Valley Schoolhouse, a historic one room schoolhouse in Long Eddy, NY.  The Hancock Rotary Foundation is currently working on a grant for Bookcases and Storage Units for the Rock Valley Schoolhouse. Some of the members brought their lunches in old school lunch boxes in the spirit of the the nostalgic  one room schoolhouse. Home made cookies and drinks were passed and everyone had a great time.  Ann and Roger Desy were the hosts for the meeting.     Photo by Sherry Pagan Schenk




With great sadness members of the Hancock Rotary Club were informed of the sudden passing of Club Past President Bob Sceles. Bob and his wife Ellen, also a Past President, were at their summer home in Nova Scotia when Bob suffered a heart attack and passed away on Friday July 26, 2013....more





ImageThe Hancock Rotary Club held its "Pass The Gavel Dinner" at The Inn at Starlight Lake on June 20, 2013. The club presidency was passed on for Ellen Sales to Ernest Schenk. 


You can still register at the last minute for the district conference next weekend at the Turning Stone even for dinner only on Saturday night along with the Exchange Student talent show which is always beautiful.  The cost for the dinner and evening is 50.00 PP.......President Ellen and Bob and myself will be there so join the fun.....



At today's board meeting/club we had a visit from assistant governor Dave Derr and put many projects into motion.  First and proudly we have three members attending Rotary Leadership Institute this Saturday.  I will be going with Roxy Moses and Rob Franciose and look forward to another wonderful day of learning more about Rotary.   Then we received a confirmed date for our first chicken Barbeque so save the date April 13th.  Details to follow....

We voted and completed the paperwork for the simplified grant as a beautification project with the hopes of getting a bluestone bench and trees donated to the new town square, a Hancock Partners project.  All paperwork has been mailed and photos of the work in progress emailed to Sam Koury.

          Krista will update us on RYLA at the next meeting .  She is waiting for responses from the guidance counselor at this time.

 Pass the Gavel Dinner will be held on June 20th and we voted on The Inn at Starlight Lake for the event and details to follow. I have reserved the space for the event.

Mike O'Brien and I are going to the District Grant Writing seminar at Terracotta and anyone else interested should join us  for the future of international matching grant programs.  At least two people from each club must attend one.

         District assembly ...Ernie and I will attend the Dryden date so if anyone else wants to join us call me.....

Lori Rae Knudsen


Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
Vice President
Immediate Past President

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