Title | Author | Date | |
Robert "Bob" Sceles July 26, 2013, Past President | Posted by Michael O'Brien | on Jul 29, 2013 |
With great sadness members of the Hancock Rotary Club were informed of the sudden passing of Club Past President Bob Sceles. Bob and his wife Ellen, also a Past President, were at their summer home in Nova Scotia when Bob suffered a heart attack and passed away on Friday July 26, 2013....more
Last Minute District Conference openings! | Posted by Lori Knudsen | on May 23, 2013 |
You can still register at the last minute for the district conference next weekend at the Turning Stone even for dinner only on Saturday night along with the Exchange Student talent show which is always beautiful. The cost for the dinner and evening is 50.00 PP.......President Ellen and Bob and myself will be there so join the fun..... |
Don Hamilton, Chief of Resource Management at Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River | Posted by Deborah Darder | on Nov 15, 2012 |
![]() Don Hamilton will be speaking to the Hancock Rotary Club on November 15th about the health of the Delaware River. A new sensor was recently installed in the Delaware River at the Lordville Bridge to measure water quality.
fellowship makes for great fundraisers | Posted by Lori Knudsen | on May 24, 2012 |
A donation was made in the amount of $ 811.00 to the district for the Bogota Project as a result of a few little shows, lots of hard work and lots of fun working together with the Groton Club, Binghamton noon club and representatives at the district conference. Hats off to all for a huge success!
August 25, 2011 | Posted by Linda O'Brien | on Aug 24, 2011 |
Well, yesterday was a rock'n & roll'n afternoon in Hancock. The Town Hall walls were actually swaying and the Sunoco sign moved back & forth... I am sure all of you felt some type of activity from the earthquake from Virginia. This week we meet at the church for lunch. Our program Wellington has scheduled for us is Gary Russo-Friends of Recovery in Delaware and Otsego Counties. Our fall Chicken BBQ is Sept 17 with Millers cooking the chickens. A schedule will be sent out as usual for large salads and beans. This is a chance for a makeup and having fun. We need volunteers to sign up for this event. It already feels like fall, ejnoy the sunny days when they come around. We are looking for new ideas for fund raisers-any suggestons should be given to board members or disussed at the meeting.
The Merry Month of May!!! | Posted by Linda O'Brien | on May 05, 2011 |
The Rotary Club will be meeting at the Senior Meal Site from now on. They are very happy we are joining them and it will help keep their numbers up for attendence. We will be in transition like the Circle E but will get everything sorted out. Please be patient and go with the flow. We will have 3 tables for our group and the seniors will have theirs. After you eat please move into the meeting room down the hallway by the kitchen. We will conduct our weekly meeting there with the pledge, etc. The menus are printed in the paper so you will know what the lunch is (Pot roast this week). Anyone who can not eat what is listed can call Lisa and she will subsitute something. I had several requests for ice tea last week and that will be available now. This is going to be a win win lunch place for our club. MAY EVENTS: 11th Board meeting First Presbyterian Church 5pm 14th Chicken BBQ & Bake Sale 10:30am-2pm Adopt a Highway & Flagpole cleanup projects before Memorial Day. TBA Rotary Scholarship Committee - select 4 HCS seniors Student Achievement Dinner-All Rotarians are invited and must make reservations-We donate $200 (budget item) towards cost and supply centerpieces. Date TBA when I find out. Pass the Gavel plans are under way. Starlight Inn will host the dinner on June 23rd. Please plan to attend to honor president Jim. The menu has been sent to us and anyone who would like to be on the committee please contact Linda. Summer celebration committee is working hard and Susan reports ads are coming in slow due to the ecomony. Anyone that would like to help Robin or Susan please contact them. |
Happy 75th Year Hancock Rotary! | Posted by Ernest Schenk |
The Rotary Club of Hancock NY celebrated it's Diamond Anniversary this month after 75 years of service to Hancock and charities abroad and beyond. Happy Anniversary Rotary! Photo by: Sherry Pagan
Hancock Rotary Honors Fallen Soldier | Posted by Ernest Schenk |
The Hancock Rotary Club honored the memory of Justin R Whiting by presenting a flag to his parents on January 16th at their weekly luncheon. Staff Sgt. Justin R. Whiting was killed in action on Jan.19th 2008 in Iraq. A flag was raised on Memorial Day of 2009 by his parents Cindy and Randy Whiting. It sits along the rolling hills of NYS Route 97 overlooking their farm. "We constantly get comments of what a beautiful and inspiring sight it is. After Justin’s death there was little that could ease our sorrow. Since I raised this flag the sight of it always makes us feel better."
Rotary President Ernest Schenk presents flag to Cindy and Randy Whiting.
Photo & Story by: Sherry Pagan
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Hancock Rotary Christmas Party 2013 | Posted by Ernest Schenk |
![]() a wonderful Italian Style dinner where dishes were passed and everyone got to sample everything. The evening was highlighted by all singing Holiday songs. PHOTO BY: Sherry Pagan Schenk |
Memorial for Bob Sceles, former Hancock Rotary Presedent Held on October 27th, 2013 | Posted by Ernest Schenk |
Hancock Rotary President in Dedication Ceremony of Hancock Square | Posted by Ernest Schenk |
Hancock Rotary Contributions to the Hancock Square | Posted by Ernest Schenk |
Hancock Rotary Meeting at The Rock Valley One Room Schoolhouse | Posted by Ernest Schenk |
The Hancock Rotary had their weekly meeting this week in school! They met at The Rock Valley One Room Schoolhouse. The Rotary members brought their lunch in the spirit of going back to school, in old time school containers. What fun! |
The Hancock Rotary Goes to School! | Posted by Ernest Schenk |
Hancock Rotary Has New President | Posted by Ernest Schenk |
Club Board meeting 3/21/13 | Posted by Lori Knudsen |
At today's board meeting/club we had a visit from assistant governor Dave Derr and put many projects into motion. First and proudly we have three members attending Rotary Leadership Institute this Saturday. I will be going with Roxy Moses and Rob Franciose and look forward to another wonderful day of learning more about Rotary. Then we received a confirmed date for our first chicken Barbeque so save the date April 13th. Details to follow.... We voted and completed the paperwork for the simplified grant as a beautification project with the hopes of getting a bluestone bench and trees donated to the new town square, a Hancock Partners project. All paperwork has been mailed and photos of the work in progress emailed to Sam Koury. Krista will update us on RYLA at the next meeting . She is waiting for responses from the guidance counselor at this time. Pass the Gavel Dinner will be held on June 20th and we voted on The Inn at Starlight Lake for the event and details to follow. I have reserved the space for the event. Mike O'Brien and I are going to the District Grant Writing seminar at Terracotta and anyone else interested should join us for the future of international matching grant programs. At least two people from each club must attend one. District assembly ...Ernie and I will attend the Dryden date so if anyone else wants to join us call me..... Lori Rae Knudsen |
DG Bob Ross on Susan | Posted by Michael O'Brien |
Susan and I met as members of a team of Rotarians that travelled to the village of Los Higos in the Dominican Republic.
Susan Popick, 02/20/2012 | Posted by Michael O'Brien |
Susan Popick, President Elect of the Hancock Rotary Club passed away Monday February 20, 2012. Her quiet smile and good nature often cencealed Susan determined side. A true humanitarian...